Gun Detect AI Saves Lives Decreases Costs Is More Accurate Integrates Easily Is More Reliable

Save lives through early threat detection and rapid response with visual gun detection.

Flare Protect Gun Detect AI Saves Lives Decreases Costs Is More Accurate Integrates Easily Is More Reliable

Save lives through early threat detection and rapid response with visual gun detection.

Flare Protect Gun Detect AI Saves Lives Decreases Costs Is More Accurate Integrates Easily Is More Reliable

Save lives through early threat detection and rapid response with visual gun detection.

Stop Gun Violence Before it Begins

Saving valuable seconds can mean saving lives. Ubiquitous coverage combined with AI machine learning gun detection provides the most comprehensive  proactive gun violence solution.

Universal Coverage
  • Gun Detect Installed on premises
  • Current VMS/NVR systems are enhanced
  • 24x7x365, Consistent and accurate monitoring
Split-Second Detection
  • Immediate AI Gun Detection
  • AI identifies situation a threat
  • Alert triggered and details relayed
Immediate Response
  • Footage reviewed by security
  •  One-click activates determined workflow
  • ENMS & external components activated
Crisis Averted / Minimized
  • Warnings are recieved
  • Communication Established
  • Death and Injury avoided or minimized


Gun Violence Statistics

The Dark Reality
Mass Shootings

Mass shootings have unfortunately become all too frequent in the United States in recent years, and 2022 was no exception. The year saw numerous tragic incidents that resulted in the loss of innocent lives and left countless others injured. According to data from the Gun Violence Archive, there were 472 mass shootings in the US in 2022, resulting in 642 deaths and 2,531 injuries. These statistics are a sobering reminder of the need for increased efforts to prevent gun violence and ensure the safety of all Americans.

Mass Shootings in the US are on the rise


Or more people shot, wounded or killed define a mass shooting


Gun-related deaths have risen by 45% since 2004


People have been shot, wounded or killed in a mass shooting since 2014


Mass shootings have already occurred in the US in 2023

Detect and Respond To Emergency Situations Immediately

When a gun is detected, receive instant alerts with images, camera name, location data, and a video clip. A  One-Click Lockdown protocol button with predefined scenarios is presented that when pressed can initiate a wide variety of automated procedures. Some common examples are alerting emergency personnel, staff, and law enforcement, as well as sounding alarms, locking doors, and more. This saves valuable time, which in turn can minimize injury and potentially save countless lives.

AI Powered Gun Detect Software

Use feeds from your existing IP camera system infrastructure to detect long guns and hand guns with a high degree of accuracy and reliability

Key Features & Capabilities

Flare Protect Gun Detect has countless features & capabilities. Below are just a few that illustrate how AI Gun Detection can assist in solving one of the major problems with mass gun violence.

Lower Costs, Higher Safety

  • Uses Existing Infrastucture
  • Transfer Surveillance task from man to machine
  • 100% analysis, No lunch breaks or off time

Seemless VMS/NVR Integration

  • Open Platform - Easily integrates into current security software
  • Emergency Management Unification

Saves Valuable Seconds / Minutes

Quicker reaction saves lives. Our automated AI Gun Detection spots threats faster and more reliably than humans. After 12 minutes the average human misses over 45% of on-screen activity.

Next-Gen Technology

  • Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor your existing video feed and detect guns, including whether it is holstered or unholstered in real time with near perfect accuracy.
  • Minimizes False Positives - AI combined with human validation ensures false positives are all but eliminated

Frequently Asked Questions

Flare Protect Gun Detect powered by Omnilert is an artificial intelligence gun detection system that can send alerts to a human to verify if a lock down scenario should occur by a simple press of a button. Below are some of the common questions we have been asked. If you do not see your question answered below, please reach out to us by clicking the contact button below.

Flare Protect Gun Detect is a versatile software that is compatible with the majority of IP camera systems. In order to use it, an RTSP stream must be accessible for the software to utilize. It is worth mentioning that even in the absence of ONVIF, Gun Detect can still be employed as long as an RTSP feed is available, and can be supplied by either the camera or NVR system.
Flare Protect Gun Detect is a highly specific system designed to detect guns and people in close proximity to them. It is adept at tracking guns that are being moved around, but less sensitive to detecting holstered guns unless at least a portion of the weapon is visible. Despite its precision, Gun Detect is not perfect and can generate false positives. To address this, detections are sent to a validation group for review. The system does not differentiate between types of people, which is one reason why human validation is necessary.
Flare Protect Gun Detect is a privacy-focused solution that understands the sensitivity of video feeds. It ensures that no data is transmitted from your servers or location, with the exception of the crucial information surrounding a detection. This information is sent to Omnilert, who provides the initial detection, and is then forwarded to your designated staff. Additionally, the data is temporarily stored in the Cloud in a secure format. All of these measures ensure that your privacy is maintained while providing effective protection against gun-related incidents.

In most cases, no. The great thing about Flare Protect Gun Detect is that as long as you have an ip camera with 1080p or higher resolution it will work with our system. This ultimately saves you the hassle of having to install and upgrade your current camera infrastructure, saving you time and money.

Flare Protect Gun Detect can be deployed to all cameras or just the ones you choose or that we suggest based on the exterior of your building(s) and entryways / flows of people. We can recommend a good plan of coverage to ensure you are optimally monitoring your location.

The short answer is no. Employing someone to watch cameras 24/7 can be costly and you will be prone to human error. Humans take breaks, eat, get distracted, and have limitations. With AI monitoring there are no breaks and you can ensure all cameras Flare Protect Gun detect is deployed to are being monitored fully and accurately. Studies have shown that after 12 minutes humans miss 45% of activity on camera feeds. Ultimately when an event occurs, that is sent to a human to verify in order to all but eliminate false positives.

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